Sweetie is BIG on Style.
She's a Fashion DAWG!
I'm not so sure if she would have been had I not been her mom.
I mean, she does have an innate sense of style for sure...
but her 4 year old style leans to, er, ahem...hip hop....
which is NOT my favorite genre
(more on that later)
I was once quite the fashion plate.
Anyone who knows me knows that there were many a ball gown in my closet.
They were tailored exactly to me and they saw lots of events.
They ranged from avante garde ensembles...eclectic, cutting edge and dare I say....skimpy.
Fast forward to today....
I look back and realize that Life has gotten in the way.
Well, not necessarily gotten in the way but rather, life has happened.
I no longer have that hourglass figure that made the men swoon and the other girls green with envy.
My feet hurt if I wear heels higher than 3 inches for greater than 3 minutes (ohhhh....gasp!)
I leave the house without makeup or my hair done and I admit....
I wear track suits sometimes...
yes, I'm DITA and I'm a track suit-a-holic.
I do ONLY wear black...right down to my skivvies....so, for that, I am grateful (and you can be too).
But when it comes to my GURL....well, that's an ENTIRELY different story.

For my baby, well....THE WORLD.
Life is KODACHROME...and for good reason...this little peanut has a personality larger than life.
Nope, there's not a color that doesn't look good on her.
Believe me, as an elder of my gender I tried...yes, I have to say....I tried....and though its not pretty to admit it...darn it....I TRIED to find something that looked horrid on her...
and I'm here to report I failed.
I failed EPICALLY!

She's perfect.
Did you hear me?
Imagine how grateful I am that she's my OWN daughter or all HELL would be breaking loose over that statement....
(I'm jealous kinda girl, PEOPLE...the worse color GREEN kind of jealous. You know, that green color that doesn't look good on ANYBODY!)
But with her, my heart is all rose colored and giggly and swoon-worthy and well,
sweet as sugar-laced cotton candy lollipops...
Because there's only ONE girl in this whole world that I get to shout from the rooftops and say..."that's my baby"...yep, and I'm proprietary like that....and oh, so incredibly blessed!
My baby and I had so much fun with these "kiddie heels" she picked out
but at the end of the day comfort won out;
SENSIBILITY trumped STYLE...as it should
...and we celebrated every step.
Sweetie and I enjoyed our day together with our two favorite men....these handsome devils need no introduction here but, as fate would have it....they get more stunning with time so be forewarned...
Alas, our Hunky MEN!

If you think a look can't get'cha anything you want
Then you don't live here around these Darlings...I succomb to their sweet faces every single day.

I took these with my 85mm on my Canon 50D.
I'd tell ya the settings if I had one clue.
I'm kinda a hit or miss kinda gal.
Some days it works...some days it doesn't.
People tell me I must have a good camera.
I guess I do....some days.
The first shot was edited with
MCP Fusion Mix & Match but that's not telling you much because geez, the tweaking can go on for hours so I'm not gonna lie...I have no idea what I did with this one or any of the other shots after I hit that button.
I know....L.O.S.E.R.
However, there's a blog party goin' on.
And I was kinda invited (ok, I crashed it....)
Whaddya say? You didn't hear about it?!!!
Well, high-tail it over to Stefanie's blog and join in the fun!!
That girl's ALWAYS got room for one more!