So...I guess I'm an official member of the blogging community now because I've been tagged. Who did it, you say? Well, the very lovely, fabulously thin and elegant, transplanted Mainer with the best hair (blonde ringlets, of course),the most darling hubby and the most excruciatingly adorable daughter you've ever seen. Yep, you guessed it...
Alyson at one of my
favorite blogs.
It only took me
2 WEEKS (and a few days, to be exact) to
FINALLY (a) figure out how to link back to another blog and (b) get two minutes to myself (well, maybe 2 hours but who's counting 'cept my hubby who has been desperately trying to keep the kids from nipping at my heels so I can finally post!) but here goes:
1. I have developed a very keen sense of hearing. Even before I had kids I realized that my hearing was better than most. I spent many of my college years and beyond as a bartender and it was my job to know who was drinking what, aniticipate the next one and follow along silently with many conversations at once. I think my nosiness really helped me develop that skill but to this day at a restaurant I can have a conversation at my table with several people and effortlessly follow along with the conversations of at least 2 of the neighboring tables.
2. I only wear black clothes. It kind of started out as a necessity back in my restaurant days which also coincided with lots of long evenings clubbing with friends...so black was completely acceptable. In my early 30's when WonderBoy arrived I had to quickly streamline my life to balance our new home life with working full time. I remember reading one day that if you chose a basic color palette and stick with it that it would become like your uniform and you wouldn't have to worry about what you'd be wearing in the morning because everything would match. I think I may have taken that a bit too literally because I truly ONLY wear black and have done so for at least the last 10 years. Even my around the house clothes are black! It does help, though, that my mother and sister also got into the whole black ensemble thing. When we have family gatherings it winds up being a whole black-fest. It's become kind of my trademark, I guess! I must confess that it was more than a fleeting thought that I'd wear a black dress at our wedding two years ago. I did succomb to ivory in the end but it cracked me up that the comment I heard from most of the 175 people that came was that they didn't know if they were more excited about me finally getting married or the fact
that I'd be wearing white!
3. As long as I can remember, I've adored children and been a real kid magnet. When my niece became a Brownie, long before I had kids, I decided to become her Brownie Leader (dragging her mother, my unwilling sister,...kicking and screaming with me!) My father often tells a story that when I was little I used to say that I was going to grow up and have 100 kids. I'm only 98 short but I'm working on that!
4. For years, my girlfriends have commented on the fact that I never reapply my lipstick and it stays on all day (absent a dentist appointment or other major catastrophe!) I put it on in the morning and never reapply it. I once heard a tip from a makeup artist and that technique has rarely failed me...I drink coffee, eat lunch, etc. and my lipstick never misses a beat.
5. I love to cook and I do my best to plan and prepare healthy meals for all of us every day regardless whether its for breakfast, lunchboxes or the dinner table. I try to do lots of whole grains, veggies, lean protein and nothing fried. It's a rare occurrence that we ever eat fast food (absent our once a week pizza night). I have a few weaknesses that throw me right off the healthy wagon whenever I think of them though, like Ritz Crackers with Creamy Jif Peanut Butter or a piece of Lindt milk chocolate!
6. Notwithstanding the above, once or twice a year I
covertly hit the drive-thru at White Castle and get rid of all the evidence before I pull in the driveway!
7. I love doing housework, including cleaning the bathrooms, tidying up and doing laundry. I never leave the house or go to bed with dishes in the sink. I get such a sense of accomplishment when the house is clean and in order.
Well, how's that for random? Since I'm relatively new to BlogLand and it seems every blog I follow has already been tagged at least twice, I'm not tagging anyone...BUT, if you haven't been tagged and feel like sharing....consider yourself TAGGED!