I can't tell you how often I stop and think about
how fortunate I am to have such
wonderful friends.Case in point:
A few weeks back when I was lucky enough to be part of
Lisa's 1st Photography Workshop ever, I had the opportunity to bunk with an amazing woman I had only hoped of meeting one day,
And I'm here to tell you, she's even more strikingly beautiful in person than she is in pictures...and that's hard to imagine!
Well, not only is she gorgeous, sweet, smart, warm and completely charming...
she is one incredible talent!
In addition to her photography, Wanda is a true artist...a painter, in fact.
Wanda had a very special surprise for me when I finally got the chance to hug her in person.
So special, in fact, that I had to fight the tears back when I saw it.
Not a day goes by that I don't look at this incredible work of art created by
the hands of this very dear friend and realize just how special she is to me.
The lid of this box is not a photograph, though it looks as perfect as one.
It is all hand painted.
Wanda studied a photo from my blog and created this masterpiece.
It takes my breath away.
My heart just skips a beat when I see my Sweetie's eyes staring back at me!
Inside is my daughter's name
along with this beautiful quote.
The detail is simply exquisite.
Wanda also surprised our friend,
Lisawith an
equally stunning box all her own.
Wanda, I can never thank you enough for this unforgettable gift
and the richness your friendship brings to me.
I will treasure both for a lifetime.
(To see some of Wanda's gorgeous paintings click HERE) *****
That evening, as Wanda and I made our way back to our hotel room,
we found on our table a little taste of heaven sitting on a silver tray.
There was a note.
We were like two giddy little school girls devouring our find.
We just couldn't believe the thoughtfulness and generosity of a very special girlfriend
who wasn't able to make the trip.
What can I say about
I adore her...
she has a heart of gold, a lightning quick wit and a sense of humor like no other.
She often has me gasping for air from laughing so much.
I tell her regularly that she needs to do stand-up comedy.
She'd sell the place out.
I truly don't know if I've ever met someone so innately funny as Val.
I'm laughing writing this just thinking of her!
As big as Val's sense of humor is, her heart is 100 times bigger.
Wanda and I immediately huddled around the phone in our hotel room with Val on the line
delighting in our little sweet gift from our ValPal in the Lone Star State.
She was the only thing missing from our perfect weekend.
One day, Valerie...one day soon.
Batten down the hatches!
You are an absolute gem and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
With friends like these...well, with friends like these,
Thank you both for the gift of your friendship.