My Daughter, My Sunshine
A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.
(...and yes, that's WonderBoy's Kiddie in her little loving hands...he was long gone on the school bus and didn't know she had him....SHHHHHH!)
Piggy Paint
Sweetie was born in September 2007, the Year of the Pig.
I'm not sure if its that knowledge or just coincidence but for the last few years, both she and I seem to gravitate toward anything with a cute pig on it. Of course she's head over heels for Olivia the Pig and any related paraphernalia (and, truth be told, I've got a Mom Crush on Olivia the Pig too!)
Up until very recently, Sweetie never in her life had her nails painted.
In addition to being concerned about the chemicals and formaldehyde in nail polish on my little angel's fingernails; I really don't enjoy the sight of chipped nail polish on anyone, young or old. After many misspent years in my 20's abusing my own nails with glue, powder, gels, etc. making me the envy of even the proudest of Jersey Girls; today I rarely even paint clear polish on my own nails.
So when Sweetie finally asked me for nail polish, I had to come up with something and, coincidentally for sure, it involved a Pig!
Of course, we had to get it!
Piggy Paint is a great non-toxic, low odor way to share some special time with my favorite girl...
and when that first chip appears...well, out comes the Piggy Paint Remover to the rescue.
Both mother and daughter are in Pig Heaven!
Faux Sushi
JR and I love sushi. The kids are big fans too.
We hit our favorite sushi haunt so regularly that they know us by name and our littles spend more time with the owner who fawns all over them than they do with us (great little perk!)
We order the same thing for the kids every time...a Bento box to share and two japanese sodas.
JR and I like to try new things and, for the most part, we love it all.
WonderBoy is a creature of habit and rarely veers off the beaten path when it comes to edible delights but Sweetie is another story.
She'll try anything once.
Of course, she wants to partake in our sushi since it always looks so perfectly gorgeous.
I still don't allow her to eat raw fish because of her age and, well, I'm a worrier.
So unless its California Roll or something thoroughly cooked like Smoked Eel or Spider Roll she's out of luck and I shoo her away from my plate.
In outlining my reasons for denying her I explained that most sushi is raw fish.
I didn't think it dawned on her what that really meant before but it did seem to sink in the other night after our discussion.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that she got the message loud and clear.
I was working at my desk on Sunday when she called me to the table for lunch (after we had a just eaten an hour before).
She said she made me sushi.
Indeed, she did.
(I caught her seconds before the entire teetering bottle of soy sauce perched on the couch spilled all over it and the living room rug)
Opening Day
This Saturday WonderBoy kicked off baseball season.
He marched with his team in the Opening Day Parade, then posed for team pictures followed by their very first victory of the season on the field that afternoon.
You'd think that would be the highlight of his weekend, right?
Though it was exciting for him, the true highlight was when I surprised him by showing up for his game with his two best friends, (The Sweet Sisters) along with his own little sister, to cheer him on...and, of course, our celebratory trip to Rita's after the game!
It's Offical...PLAY BALL!
Black & White Wednesday: JR, An Update
It's been a long, hard road for JR since his cornea transplant on February 10th...and the ensuing mega-infection that took hold and has been JR's constant companion for the past month.
He has been so strong through it all; never complaining.
But it has really beaten him down.
Anyone who knows my man knows that this is not him.
But it is, right now.
I sure do miss THIS guy.
In fact, we all do.
This experience is teaching our children (and me) all about patience and compassion for one another.
JR is teaching us all about strength and perseverence.
We are continuing his course of daily appointments and treatment and have sought a second opinion, which concurred with the first. They tell us that the infection is clearing very slowly and as much as wish I could speed things along, it is the passage of time that will ultimately close this chapter.
I cannot thank so many of you enough for all the well wishes and thoughtfulness you've shown JR and our family over this rough patch.
Your thoughts and prayers have meant so much to all of us.
Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion. - Buddha
It's Black and White Wednesday!
To see some wonderful images from some fantastic photographers, click on over to
A Modern Day Cinderella Story: Special Photo Slideshow
I took these photos of my Sweetie back at the end of May 2010 while we waited for a performance of my niece's Cinderella themed Girls' Show to begin.
The gym was hot and crammed with people.
Sweetie was the Black Team's mascot in her Cinderella costume...however, she wasn't having ANY of it. So I took her outside to run off a little of her 2 year old energy.
Little did I know I would get some of the most favorite photos of my daughter that I've ever taken. They are my favorites because they truly show off the electricity of her personality and her iron will determination.
She wanted to get on that football field so badly and she not only wouldn't take no for an answer and found her way in; but she discovered a football buried beneath the bleachers....and, well, as they say, the rest is history.
I hope you enjoy this special slideshow that I only JUST put together after all these months (time is always at such a premium 'round these parts and I have decided to put blogging down on the priority list and living life right up top!).
Whenever I look at these photos I see her strength, beauty and the world of possibility that is open to her as a woman born today. I am so grateful to be her mother and to watch her evolve into the person she is meant to be. I strive to teach my daughter that she is all she will ever need and to always seek to improve the fine art of embracing and loving every facet of herself.
There is no doubt she will once day find her Prince Charming...but I'm confident that by the time he shows up, she'll have long realized that she wants him and doesn't need him.
CLICK HERE to view the slideshow.
I'm hitchin' my wagon to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot....she's a girl with LOTS more adorable excuses not to find the time to blog than I have...and who somehow, manages to do it all!
Click around to my fellow Linky Linkers over there and see a slice of life from every corner of the world!

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