There's this incredible boy who has been my shadow for 13 years
Out of the blue he has grown into a man.
(Well, sort of a man.)
He looks like one.
He walks like one.
He sounds like one (in between sounding like a teenage girl).
He sweats like one.
He watches the girls go by like one.
He argues like one.
He hogs the remote like one.
He thinks like one.
He tests me like one
He eats like one
He watches himself in the mirror like one
And when I call him out on it....he laughs so big as he yields to me and remembers that he's still my baby...
and he smiles at me...that smile that only he can...
And I melt...just like the very first day I realized that he would be the only man in the world who would ever call me Mom.
And it doesn't get any better than that. it doesn't.
These images were shot with my 50D
f 3.5
ISO 200
Edited in LR and CS5
Join in on the Fabulous Fun with
the Hostess with the Mostess: Stefanie at Ni Hao Y'all...

(This Mama will make you wonder how you can justify sitting on the couch for 10 minutes.)