See this little ray of sunshine?
She's my shadow.
Glued at the hip, she and I...
and I wouldn't have it any other way.
She's an explorer, just like her Mama.

She's curious...curious to see it, smell it, touch it
and absolutely compelled to talk about it...
to anyone and everyone who'll listen.

She's a chatterbox, alright...she must get that from her father.

She's plenty capable of amusing herself no matter where she is.
But I'm her favorite playmate so there's little chance of me getting ANYTHING else done when she's around.

And, of course, she has to add extra DRAMA because,'s just in her blood!
She's a Diva on Training Wheels.

She's full of energy, happiness, smiles and boundless kisses all day, every day.
She runs through the house and kisses me for no reason at all
(which is clearly the very BEST reason I can think of)
And, did I mention, she always gets her way?
I didn't really need to mention that, did I?
Well....just look for yourself.
Take a gander at her "moves"...she's got 'em all down pat.
It's impossible not to give in to her...kinda like trying to keep your eyes open when you sneeze.
Nope...its NOT happenin'.

In a few short weeks my shadow starts kindergarten.

She keeps reassuring me and reminding me not to worry because I'll be okay while she's gone...
and she tells me not to cry when the school bus pulls away each day.

I knew it was inevitable...she'd be off to explore new things
but I never thought about the fact that she'd be doing that exploring without me.
Nor did I imagine that the time would come so soon.
My little Miss Confident.

Don't grow up so fast Little Girl.

I just want to savor the sweetness of another wonderful day
in the life of me and my very BEST friend.

All images were taken with my
Canon 50D
85mm 1.4
The first image settings were:
ISO 320
f 2.2
It was processed in CS5 with MCP Fusion and then
I then used several curves and level adjustments to give the image as clean a look as possible.
Be sure to visit Stefanie at Ni Hao Y'all.
She's always up to something over there
and there are some amazing photographers linked up just waiting
for you to discover the beauty in everyday.

And, therefore, I proudly display this exquisite blog SWAG
provided by one of my all-time FAVORITE blographers....